Hope for people who have had brain injury rehabilitation and are no longer progressing in their recovery.

You need something different. This is where we begin.

Neuro-Hope enables most clients to resume brain injury rehabilitation, producing improvements in cognitive performance within 1 to 3 weeks of beginning therapy—even if it’s been years since their injury.

A new approach to brain injury rehabilitation.

Neuro-Hope has developed a customized and collaborative therapy approach that differs from traditional brain injury rehabilitation.

  • The client is an active participant. Their engagement is a principal element in achieving cognitive improvements.

  • Therapy focuses on each client’s personal priorities. Concentrating on activities that are most important to the individual can uniquely increase both level of function and quality of life.

  • A game-changing Advanced Telehealth Platform harnesses personal technology to increase the pace and extent of recovery, and allows therapist insight into the client’s natural environment.

Neuro-Hope offers two programs—Rapid Rebound and High Achiever. Both programs are delivered via our Advanced Telehealth Platform, and both are self-pay.

The Rapid Rebound Program:

The Rapid Rebound Program is for brain injury survivors who remain with cognitive disabilities, even after completing conventional brain injury rehabilitation. Most of our clients will resume recovery within a couple of weeks. We have found that even decades after an injury, rapid gains can still be made.

The High Achiever Program:

The High Achiever Program is designed for the sophisticated needs of professionals, researchers, and other people with specialized knowledge or achievements who have suffered a brain injury. This program helps them to resume activities in their area of expertise, or other areas they may wish to explore.

Neuro-Hope has the only dedicated High Achiever Neurorehabilitation Program in the USA.

Professional Affiliations and Conferences

Mind Your Brain Foundation

Neuro-Hope is recognized by the Mind Your Brain Foundation


2024 Brain Injury Conference

Neuro-Hope is a proud sponsor of the 2024 Brain Injury Conference. Dr. Elliot Cole will be delivering a talk called “Increasing Survivors’ cognitive performance through your personal technology.” Check back after the conference for a recording.

Information for Physicians

Visit our Professionals page to find helpful information about our programs, and how to refer a patient.

Neuro–Hope can help.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you or your loved one reach their full potential.